Mayonaka Punch - Live - Melty Princess - Tenohira (MegaHouse)
Mayonaka Punch - Live - Melty Princess - Tenohira (MegaHouse)
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Livraison internationale
Is it too hot to handle or just the sizzling allure of Melty Princess? This enchanting figure captures Live in all her sultry glory, lounging effortlessly. With her vibrant pink hair and mischievous smile, she's a burst of charm, radiating a playful confidence that’s irresistible. The glossy black bikini design complements her curves, exuding an air of carefree summer vibes, while the intricate details of her captivating eyes draw you into her world. Perfect for any fan’s collection, this figure is sure to become the star of your display, inviting you to bask in its warm, playful spirit!