Carneades - Elle - 1/7 - Angel Police (Good Smile Company)
Carneades - Elle - 1/7 - Angel Police (Good Smile Company)
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Livraison internationale
What happens when an angel decides to become a cop? Meet Elle, the fabulous fusion of celestial charm and stylish authority! This figure captures her in an eye-catching pose, with her long, flowing hair and delicate wings that almost seem to flutter with mischief. Dressed in a sleek black and white outfit that perfectly balances edginess and elegance, Elle's confident smirk invites you to join her on the side of justice. The meticulous attention to detail in her attire, from the shimmering badge to the snazzy boots, ensures that she stands out in any collection. Why chase after mere mortals when you can embrace the divine with Elle in your life?