Casual Comfort or Playful Dreaminess? Sega’s Yumemirize Vs. Bandai’s Relax Time Prize Figures

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At the start of the year Sega started releasing figures from their new prize figure line, Yumemirize. Frieren and a childhood version of Fern were the first ones released and had no particular style shown.

Sega states the brand focuses on showcasing characters in out of the ordinary costumes but these didn't look that unexpected. Putting them up against something like their Bocchi Luminasta figures and I wouldn't blame you for calling them ordinary.

Then came an announcement of six figures from Nikke and it started making a bit more sense. Yume in Japanese means dream. All of the Nikke girls are shown in pajamas and looking back at Frieren and Fern, they have that kind of vibe.

The final nail was Sega’s announcement of the collection of Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister figures.

Having the trio in similar nightwear to the Nikke figures, it's a safe assumption that this figure line is a direct competitor to Bandai’s Relax Time line. Relax Time is focused exactly on what the name implies, showing characters relaxing in casual/home wear.

Which one is better and how do they compare? I rushed off to the arcade and returned with treasures in hand to do a side by side comparison. From the Relax Time series we have iDOLM@STER girls Akari and Akira.

Nikke’s Alice and N102 are from the Yumemirize line.

First off, both figure lines give collectors some low profile options. These figures have sitting or lounging poses allowing them to be displayed a little differently than your typical figure. They can be easily placed in front of your other figures without obstructing the view. With no additional pedestal needed, they are also fairly compact. Bandai sometimes makes larger prize figures than competitors but here they are roughly the same size.

Second, both give multiple characters from a series a consistent theme and design, making it easy to have a cohesive collection. They can easily be displayed together, separate or alone. At the moment, Bandai has much more diversity in terms of poses and outfit styles but with Yumemirize being new, they may be able to do the same.

I don't know much about iDOLM@STER or the characters and my knowledge of Nikke other than being the game about battling butts is non existent. I can't really comment about if the choice of outfit or pose fits the character but can give an overall opinion. First, it seems like Relax Time is going for a more wholesome, comfy vibe. The poses are decent and Akari and Akira have cute expressions. Akira also has some good definition on her stomach while Akari’s nightgown has decently represented folds. I love the idea for Akiras stretching pose but her hands look a bit strange and unnatural. I simple closed or open hand would have been better.

The Yumemirize figures are designed in a bit more playful way. They may be going for a more ecchi visual for bishoujo collectors but there aren't enough figures available to judge. Frieren and Fern looked more similar to Relax Time designs but their Nikke collection overall is definitely more focused on character "assets." The Amagami sisters are kind of in between. 

In terms of quality, they are what you would expect from prize figures. Colors are simple and detail is acceptable but limited. Akira does have a slight wobble as she is back heavy but other than that, both Akari and Akira had no issues.

The Yumemirize figures on the other hand were lower quality. There were imperfections throughout. N102 had some discoloration on her hair and little dark specs randomly all over. Some of her smaller pieces also had extra bits of plastic. She also has an unnatural seem line on her arm that the other figures all hid fairly well. It is a bit hard to see in photos but having it up close in person, they were very visible.

Alice had the same problem with discoloration but was slightly different. My impression was that the plastic used for N102 had imperfections but Alice may be due to the manufacturing process. It is very hard to see in photos but on the white areas of her dress, some spots had some light coloring resembling a toasted marshmallow making me think heat was the cause. She also had some spots that I initially thought might be dirt or paint transfer, but it wasn't easily removed. Perhaps the manufacturing equipment scraped against the plastic.

Bandai gives consistent quality throughout the figure while Sega has made some areas more detailed than others. The hair on Akira and Akari looks so much better than Alice and N102.

Bandai’s Relax Time figures are a better quality figure compared to Sega's Yumemirize. The issues with Yumemirize aren't enough to say to avoid these figures if the price is reasonable. Fitting the same role in a collection, having more choices is always a good thing. If you want a cute, comfy figure that's solid, Relax Time won't disappoint. If you are looking for something a bit more playful and leaning into ecchi territory, Yumemirize is acceptable with room to improve in the future.

Thank you for reading!
~Keep collecting~

par Timothy

Addicted to Kancolle Arcade. If I'm not raging with my fellow teitoku, you can find me hiking, playing the drums or taking pictures of random park benches to satisfy my love of anime pilgrimage!

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