Pre-Order Reisalin Stout Now!
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It is an exciting time to be an Atelier Ryza fan! With an anime adaptation for the original game being recently announced and the release of the second sequel (Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key) there is plenty of Ryza to look forward to.
I hope you have been leveling up your alchemy because we have a special treat to help celebrate all the recent Ryza news! A new Ryza figure available for pre-order!
For those unfamiliar, Atelier Ryza is a JRPG originally released in 2019 which uses a modified turn-based combat system incorporating real-time elements. It is the twenty-first main entry in the Atelier series. Outside of combat, the game revolves around alchemy. This involves gathering resources while out in the field, and placing them onto a field of elemental nodes to discover new recipes and create a wide variety of usable items.
A large portion of the game's success has come from the character design… or to be more specific the rather thicc thigh design… of the main protagonist, Reisalin "Ryza" Stout.

Her thighs captured the hearts of millions globally and have since become a big selling point as well as point of controversy! With the initial game being well received, a sequel released a year later at the end of 2020 and a third game released in March 2023. Thyza’s thighs have been such a crucial element that they also “level up” with each game…
It has been around 16 years since the last time an Atelier title had a second sequel. Characters have crossed over from one title to the next, but the main girl would usually be different each time.
To break it down into its most simple form, Atelier games have traditionally been coming-of-age stories so it is a bit limiting with how much screen time a character can get.
What makes Ryza so popular to break the mold? Monstrous thighs may sell one game but can it really push people to buy a second and third?

Ryza has a wild and tomboyish personality and a strong sense of justice. She can be stubborn at times but her heart is always in the right place. She’s got a go getter attitude where she will find her own path while bringing everyone along with her. This is what makes her character likable and thanks to the sequels, we have gotten to see her become significantly more mature over time.
Of course the visual appeal and Thyza’s “assets” definitely don’t detract.

The 1/7 scale figure of Ryza featuring her new design from the third game, "Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key" has captured that more mature appearance quite well.

The pose is a little sassy, great for the character and her facial expression is a little more reserved.
At Tokyo Game Show 2022, Koei Tecmo had life sized statues of Ryza from each game. I think seeing them side by side really makes the subtle changes hit home!

The Atelier Ryza 1 and 2 statues are also available as figures and can be purchased today.

As for the most recent iteration of Ryza, her original costume has been updated to give her a more adult look. Her shirt is no longer a tshirt but a button down and her sleeves are less fluffy and have a cuff. In my opinion it gives a cleaner, more put together look. The brown leather vest is also something I would attribute to a more mature fashion sense.

The gear shown around her waist and legs have become a little more intricate and fitting for a seasoned alchemist.

The accessories added throughout her costume keep her very much the same lovable Ryza but still show the evolution of the character. My favorite part of this figure is definitely Ryza’s face, she is gorgeous and gives off those cheeky oneesan vibes. The level of detail is also very nice, on par with other figures from wonderful works.

Her weapon has been modeled nicely with the banner flying in the wind and her base keeps her in the Atelier world.

And of course… no Ryza figure would be complete without that coveted thigh pinch, great momo and extraordinaire derriere!

This 1/7 scale figure of our queen of thighs by Wonderful Works is expected to be released at the end of December 2023! With our loyalty program, you can also earn some points!
I hope you enjoyed reading!

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